Using Concealer
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Using Concealer

We all need concealer at one time or another for brightening the eyes and to cover veins, and blemishes. It comes is so many colors and textures that it becomes difficult to know how to choose the proper shade or finish. Concealer is used to give extra coverage when our powder or foundation can’t do the job alone.

Choose a Color

When choosing your concealer color look to see if you have pink, or blue undertones, or dark pigmented skin. Most people tend to choose a color that is lighter than their original skin tone thinking it will cover the discoloration under their eyes. I suggest that you try choosing a color that is at least one shade darker than your skin. That will help to correct without being to light. There are also color correctors available to layer under concealer to help with those extra challenging skin discolorations.

Dark skin under the eyes can be a challenge. For some it is a genetic predisposition called periorbital hyperpigmentation. Certain ethnic groups with darker skin tones are more prone to hyperpigmentation. Fatigue and lack of sleep can also cause the appearance of dark circles and cause fluid to build up that can cause puffiness. People think they have dark circles when in essence the well just beneath the puffy area is what appears dark, a shadow. As we age we lose elasticity, fat, and collagen. As this occurs the skin becomes thinner allowing for the dark blood vessels to become more visible and the skin appears to be darker.

You can use a concealer and layer a color corrector under it in extreme cases but remember that “less is more”. I prefer to diffuse the discoloration rather than pile on a ton of product which will result in the under eyes looking dry and caked. When choosing a color for extreme dark circles you need to be careful not to pick one that’s too light as it will appear ashy. A concealer with peach undertones like our Medium Peach Dual Action Concealer will counteract the dark skin tone and make the eyes look brighter. When trying to tackle puffy eyes instead of swiping concealer everywhere you should dab the concealer only in the well just below the puffy section that looks dark. It will highlight the dark part and make it look less puffy.

Types of concealer

There are pot, stick, crayon, wand, and creamy concealer. Each one will have a different finish and coverage from sheer to heavy. Depending on the part of your face you are covering and the texture of the skin you will need to choose the best product for your needs.

Apply concealer

If you wear a liquid foundation you should apply that first, concealer second where needed and then set with powder. That way you won’t wipe away the concealer with the application of foundation. If you wear powder foundation you should apply concealer first and then your powder. You can always add a bit more product when your makeup is finished to touch up. If your eyes appear dry after you’ve completed your makeup because you applied too much concealer you can always apply a bit of eye cream over the concealer giving it a dewy appearance. Just dab on and pat until it disappears. It won’t take away the coverage and you will look a bit more natural.

Makeup complete!!!!!
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